Climate Resilience

Gender inequalities in accessing productive assets and resources are often linked to access to water and disproportionately increase the burden of climate change in many African societies on women and girls. At the same time, infrastructure development across the continent is struggling to keep up with the necessary pace required to support Africa’s growing economy, address gender inequality and meet the socio-economic needs of the population.

The goal of the AIP Water, Climate, Development and Gender Support Programme (AIP WACDEP-G) is to ensure that the preparation, development, design, governance, and management of ongoing and new climate resilient water infrastructure investments, institutions, and job creation interventions strategically advance gender equality. The overall objective is to transform gender inequalities at scale by promoting gender-transformative planning, decision-making and institutional development for climate resilient water investments in Africa.

The AIP WACDEP-G Support Programme works towards the goals of the Continental Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP).

AIP WACDEP-G is implemented by African Governments, Africa Union Development Agency-NEPAD, the Africa Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), Regional Economic Communities, River Basin Organisations, Regional Water Partnerships, Country Water Partnerships, women organisations, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), UN WOMEN, Global Water Partnership, and others.

To read more about the AIP Water, Climate, Development and Gender Support Programme (AIP WACDEP-G), click here to visit the AIP website or read this Programme Brochure.